Monday, September 6, 2010

Union Workers; When You're Holding the Hammer Song; Healthcare Bill Repeal; Ten States Support AZ's Immigration Law

Human Events reports: The outlook for organized labor has never appeared as bleak as it does this Labor Day. Just 12.3% of American workers belong to a labor union, with government employees constituting the majority of unionized workers. In the private sector, just 7.2% of workers are union members. The anemic figure represents the lowest level of private-sector unionization in more than a century.  [So, it is for this small a percentage of workers that the Obama Administration continues to direct the bulk of his Stimulus funds and new edicts....]
[Here's a terrific country song!  I'm sure you'll think it's worth your while, and it really hits the nail right on the head!  The writer is a high school coach who lost his job after posting this to his email..... He was fired because the lyrics are racist, as some parent at his school complained. The principal who fired him had not even heard the song at the time.] 

The Heritage Foundation, quoting Congressman King, points out the simplicity of the process [of repealing the health care act]: "Republicans just need to sign a repeal bill, bring forth a discharge petition, use the discharge petition as a litmus test against Blue Dog Democrats in the November elections, win back a majority, pass a repeal bill in the new Congress, endure Obama’s inevitable veto of it, shut off the funding for the 2011 and 2012 enactment of Obamacare, and, finally, elect a new president in 2012."
  •      And Michelle Bachmann has already given us that bill (H.R. 4903).  Former-president Ronald Reagan once spoke of "raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors." 
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Politico reports:  A handful of House Democrats are making health care reform an election-year issue — by running against it.
    At least five of the 34 House Democrats who voted against their party’s health care reform bill are highlighting their “no” votes in ads back home. By contrast, party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.
    One Democratic strategist said it would be “political malfeasance” to run such an ad now.
    [Let's not forget that in order to assist some Democrats in the upcoming election, some Democrats in swing states and red states were given permission to vote "NO" on the bill because Congress had enough votes to pass the Obamanation without their votes.  In their hearts, they were truly FOR the bill.]
    Aut I thought we Americans were going to just love it once we found out what was in it!]
    Read more:
    Human Events reports: The outlook for organized labor has never appeared as bleak as it does this Labor Day. Just 12.3% of American workers belong to a labor union, with government employees constituting the majority of unionized workers. In the private sector, just 7.2% of workers are union members. The anemic figure represents the lowest level of private-sector unionization in more than a century.  [So, it is for this small a percentage of workers that the Obama Administration continues to direct the bulk of his Stimulus funds and new edicts....]
    From Infowars: George Soros and the foundation left have launched a website designed to go after the growing Tea Party movement. will post video interviews and blog entries gathered by folks on the false left who never grow weary of demonstrating their outrage over the very idea of a grassroots political effort overthrowing establishment Democrats and Republicans in the district of corporate criminals. will be sponsored by the NAACP, Think Progress, New Left Media and Media Matters for America. Think Progress is a George Soros operation connected to John Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Podesta is Clinton’s former chief of staff. Media Matters for America is the brainchild of a MoveOn consultant and Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Soros is a major supporter of MoveOn.


  1. Great stuff regarding the potential for repeal and/or defunding of the health 'reform' crap !! And, good to know how small the union numbers are--regret that the Dems still cater to them so much!

  2. Having worked in both union and non-union environments, there is NO QUESTION that a unionized work force is FAR less productive than a non-union work force. Managers have to jump through hoops to let go of a poorly performing (union) employee, and then face time-consuming frivolous grievances on behalf of said employee -- even when the employee fully accepts the discipline or termination. When it's that difficult to remove your poorest performers, quality and productivity suffer; the government itself being the most notable example. Why would anyone in their right mind wish to ENCOURAGE unionized labor?!
